OK, all you nanoarborphytes, I have been emailed from long ago and far away. Our own Jedi Master John has a very important public service announcement for you. The opinions expressed therein are, naturally of course, not necessarily those of this Pokéstop, but you may obtain necessary grains of salt necessary to collect Pokétrees at Connie’s.
Su seguro servidor,
Thus sayeth John:
Actung, Goobers!! Your Floral Fuher commands your attention!
I am detecting a first hint of Fall in the air, and it’s time to settle into some glorious days at the ancestral home of the Bombastic Bonsai Bag!! We shall be primed for a long, hard morning on Saturday at 9:00am. We can begin to settle back into our “normal” routine, and try to stabilize our badly confused new members, who are rightly wondering what kind of dilly-dong organization they have wandered into. Some of this disorientation has been the result of the absence of our adult supervision in the form of Burt the Barbarian, who has apparently been visiting his “Other Family” over in Colorado City, AZ, for several weeks, but will soon be back to give us Holy Hell once again.
I will bring my two tubs of the Mike Melendrez Black Goo Goo/ Trouser Chile and some baggies for you to divvy-up, if you don’t have any. I want to keep harping on this soil quality business, and I’ll be asking for reports from those of you using it now. I also intend to cover selection of raw material, which remains our biggest barrier to better trees. If all goes as planned (ho, ho), we will do our workshop on the formal upright style this Fall, and you should all be checking the end of season stuff at nurseries and Big Box stores… more about this on Sat.
Ok, what else? I need to get this over to Jesus, who has been bombed-out on Nitrous Oxide for several weeks. I noticed he had a Nurse with him at the Greives’ Clambake, and she seemed to have him well in hand…
Saturday or bust!