April 2016 Meeting

Heads up, Frond Fidgeters!!!
Oh, Man—– This is an opportunity that does not come along very often. If you can con, wheedle, demand,or assert your right to disappear for awhile, try to take some time this week to join Kenneth in his Orgy of Bonsai Shame over at Connie’s this week. This will be your reward for all the help and kindness you showed to the Draggin’ Queen while she was out of it. And I’m not kidding about this…. You would have to pay Big Bucks for an experience anywhere near this one anywhere else. Don’t underestimate what you have here!!
I will be having my own bonsai debauch in Santa Fe this week, so I will expect a blow-by-blow next Saturday at our meeting. Now, if you are a new member and feeling hesitant about going to The Old Broad’s back yard, suck it up and plunge ahead. Call Kenn, get directions, and mince your way into a crazed wonderland of weird obsession unlike any other between the coasts, and maybe not there, either. If you are among the few remaining ABQ Clubbers who are gainfully employed, get the Bonsai Flu immediately. Many of you will need to notify your probation officers, and assure them that those threadleaf Japanese Maples are not, in fact, dope. Those of you in psychiatric care or halfway houses may need notes/confirmations that I will be happy to provide from a form that we developed years ago— I’ll give each letter a personal touch or two which will reassure your PO. I would expect to see a ragged line of you pilgrims making your way along I-40 as there has been this weekend, and you will have the same opportunity to throw away your cheap wood crutches AND BE HEALED!!! CAN I HEAR AN AMEN??
See you Sat AM